GracePortal Charter
The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is not what many have taken it to be over a long period of time the Church had been in existence. What then is the gospel?
- The gospel is the POWER of God unto salvation – saving/redeeming/delivering man from the power of darkness unto light completely in his spirit, soul and body!
- It is the PROGRAMME of unveiling God unto man in the Person of Christ Jesus and conforming man unto His image in its exact measure, stature and fullness!
- It is the PROCESS of achieving God’s divine agenda of ‘making man’ by causing humanity to fully put on divinity in its entirety, just as divinity demonstrated by putting on humanity – a divine mystery of exchange and substitution!
- It is the PLATFORM of fellowshipping with the Father, coming into the fellowship of His Son by the communion of the Spirit and fellowshipping one with another in the unity of the Spirit, the bond of peace and love of the Father – attaining fellowship, followership and friendship!
- It is the PREACHING of the Words of Grace that will enable the saints/believers to lay hold on their eternal inheritance/eternal glory which had been made possible by the eternal Spirit Who got eternal redemption for man!
You are invited, irrespective of your church affiliation, religious disposition and personal orientation to come and enjoy GRACEPORTAL!
GracePortal . . . Preaching the Words of His Grace for the Inheritance of the Saints!
GracePortal in a Nutshell
GracePortal is a commission/mandate raised to project the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as…
- The POWER of God unto salvation…
- The PROGRAMME of unveiling God unto man…
- The PROCESS of achieving God’s divine agenda of ‘making man’…
- The PLATFORM of fellowshipping with the Father, Son, Spirit & one another…
- The PREACHING of the Words of Grace…
So that the Saints can lay hold on their Inheritance in CHRIST.
A commission/mandate raised to project the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as the POWER, the PROGRAMME, the PROCESS, the PLATFORM, the PREACHING…for the Inheritance of the Saints.